Basil Potato Topper

Basil Potato Topper

Featured on Tuesdays with Thomas 9/7/21


  • 1 ear of fresh corn (about 1 cup of corn)
  • 1/2 med red pepper
  • 1/4 cup red or sweet onion
  • 1/2 tsp Persian Lime Pepper from Nick at
  • 1 tsp Nutritional Yeast
  • 1-22 Tbl Fresh Basil Balsamic
  • 1 Baked potato


  1. Bake medium size potato at 350 degrees for 1 hour.
  2. Dice red peppers and onion, cut raw corn off cob.
  3. Put onion and peppers in hot fry pan and cook for two minutes. Add a little water to keep from sticking.
  4. Add corn to pan, cook one minute. Transfer ingredients from pan into mixing bowl.
  5. Add Lime pepper and nutritional yeast to mixing bowl.
  6. Add Basil Balsamic to mixing bowl and combine all ingredients.
  7. Cut open baked potato and top with…..Potato Topper!
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